$ 99 .00
/ year- Suit Exporters and Freight forwarders
- Live Booking system
- Rates Platform access account
- Directory Listing With Logo
- CRM For Export Docs
- Invitation to Annual conference
- Market Place Access
- Access to discounted Group Rates
- Instant Bookings with Rates online
- Settlement option in Multi Currency
- Access to Chat
- E-telex
Gold Level
$ 250 .00
/ Year- Freight Forwarders Rates Account
- Rates publication & Live Booking system
- Rates Platform access account
- Directory Listing With Logo
- Additional Branch $150 /Year in Same country
- Chat
- Invitation to Annual conference
- No Credit Protection
- CRM For Documentation
- Publish Rates online
- Receive Direct Bookings
- E-telex for Members
- Directory Listing
- Settlement option in Multi Currency
- Integrated Multi Currency Online Quote and Invoice Software.
Platinum Level
$ 750 .00
/ Year- Must have held Gold Level for one year./ received waiver
- Credit Protection
- Rates Platform access account
- Additional Branch $500 /Year Worldwide.
- Chat
- Invitation to Annual conference
- Publish Rates Online
- CRM For Documentation
- Software for House BL, AWB,
DO, AN. - Instant Bookings release
- E-telex for Members
- Balticfx ID
- Settlement option in Multi Currency
- Integrated Multi Currency Online Quote and Invoice Software.
Membership Details
The Network of Freight Professionals
Freight Market Network accepts a new member only by Invitation or recommendation from an existing member. Our Network members are carefully selected to ensure that we maintain the high standards of excellence that we've become known for. If you're interested in joining our network, please reach out to one of our current members to get a reference. Alternatively., you can apply to be invited after due diligence. We look forward to welcoming you to our group of exceptional professionals.
Criteria for Membership
To be considered for membership assessment, applicants must meet the following requirements:
• Must be Invited by a Global Partner OR
• You must be recommended by a current member.
• Agree to cooperate with other members
• Publish rates and Schedules online from time to time.
• Should not have been blacklisted by any debt recovery agency.
• Have been in the freight and logistics industry for at least two years.
Consideration for Membership
To be considered for membership, the applicant must meet the following requirements:
• Provide a legal certificate of incorporation, business licenses,
and other relevant certificates that demonstrate the company's official
• Provide at least four overseas references (members and/or non-members) from its freight forwarder and logistics partners.
Membership Obligations
To maintain membership, the following criteria must be met:
• The membership agreement must be signed by an authorized representative of the company.
• Members must attend the annual conference at least once every two years.
• All invoices between members should be paid within the agreed-upon terms.
• Required fees must be paid in full and on time.
• Members are expected to transfer at least 30% of their business to other agents in the network.
Membership Levels and Applicable Fees
An application fee of $250/to be paid “one-off” set-up and training fee.
Basic Level
For Exporters ad Freight Forwarders with limited features and CRM : $99 per year.
Standard Level Membership (Excluding Protection)
Membership Fee (HO or 1st Office): $ 250/year
Membership Fee (Per Branch Office): $ 150/year
Premium Level Membership (Including Protection)
Membership Fee (HQ or 1st Office): $ 750/year
Membership Fee (Per Branch Office): $ 500/year
Access to Peer 2 Peer Desktop Software for document Exchange, Telex and Chat is a privilege and not to be misused by members. subject to subscription being valid.
Escrow Settlement account in Multi currency is subject to regulatory compliance at all local jurisdictions.
Use of E-telex must be limited to Business messages only.
Block chain encryption of chat should not be misused.
Membership Certificate
Choose Your membership and display in office. Original Signed Version will be send to you by courier.